الأربعاء، 12 نوفمبر 2014

قوة التفكير الايجابي

تمرين جديد للاستماع
اطبعوا النص و قوموا بدراستة جيداً قبل الاستماع و مشاهدة الفيديو.
و بعدها اكتبوا ملاحظاتكم على اختلاف بين طريقة النطق و النص المكتوب و تذكروا ان تجعلوا النص المسموع أهم و احق بالدراسة و البحث- النص المكتوب للمساعدة مبدئياً لتسهيل فهم النص المسموع

النص المكنوب
...really intrigues me is this idea...and I heard it many, many years ago am not even sure of the original source where I heard it but it goes like this “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
Albert Einstein once observed that er you have most fundamental and major decision that you have to make in your life is this “do I live in a friendly or a hostile universe?” which is it? Is it a universe that is filled with hostility and anger and people wanting to hate each other and people wanting to kill each other- is that what you see? Because when you see the world that way, that is exactly what you will create for yourself in your life. This is from great scientific minds
And the interesting thing is that this is not just a clever play on words- that when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at, change. It is actually a very scientific thing and I am going to show you that in just a moment.
I’d like to imagine the following scene. You are in your house. You’ve got your car keys in your hand. The lights go out. Power failure. You cannot see a thing. You stumble around in your living room and you drop your keys. And you look around for a moment and you realize you are not going to find them in the dark. But you look outside and you notice that the street lights are on.  So, in your mind, a light bulb goes up, hum, am not going to sit here in the dark groping around looking for my keys when there is lights on outside am going to go out here under the street light and am going to look for my keys!
(Audience laugh) why are you laughing this makes a lot of sense.
So you are out here and you are groping around and you are looking for your keys and you are looking and looking and your neighbor comes along and says what happىed Wayne well I dropped my keys – well I’ll help you look for them. And the two of now are down here looking for our keys and finally he says to me excuse me but where did you drop your keys “well, um, I dropped them in the house” he said you mean to tell me that you dropped your keys in the house and you are looking for them out here in the street; that does not make any sense and said does not make any sense to grope around in the dark when there is light out here; now you laugh and think how silly that is but is not that exactly what we do when we have a problem, a difficulty, a struggle that is located inside and we are looking for the solution, outside. Some place outside ourselves.
 It would be like going to the doctor and telling him all of your symptoms and the doctor say of boy you gotta a lot of symptoms and he starts to write a lot of prescriptions, you need a prescription of this symptom, you need a prescription for that symptom and finally he gets these four or five- and you go to walk out and you say I’d like my prescription and he says no no I’ll give this one to your mother in law and I’ll give this one to your neighbour and I’ll give this one to your daughter and I’ll give this one to your father
I mean you are the one with the struggles with the difficulties and giving- expecting someone else to change or something outside of you to get better in order for you to make your life work at this level I am calling intention is something you really have to take a hard look at. It is in here