السبت، 21 ديسمبر 2013

تمرين استماع (عندما حكم المسلمون أوروبا - قصر الحمراء- غرناطة)

سلام جميعاَ
هذه تدوينة سريعة أكتب فيها النص التابع للمقطع التالي و سيكون الشرح و التوضيح في تدوينة قادمة بإذن الله

كالعادة الرجاء الاستماع للنص مرات عديدة للوصول إلى درجة ألفة الأصوات . ثم من المهم جداَ دراسة النص المكتوب و فهم معاني الكلمات الجديدة قبل الدخول في محاولة تحسين مهارة الاستماع أو النطق.

I am gonna use this new research to explore what happened when east met west in Europe
If there is one place that challenges the stereotype of the treacherous bloodthirsty Moor
It's here the Alhambra Palace in Granada
Alhambra is one of the most complete medieval Islamic palaces in the whole world
It was built by the Muslim kings of Granada in the 14th century at the height of their power
Its name means the Red One because the surrounding dark soil has given its stone an earthy reddish hue
The marvel of the Alhambra is its mystery, not a single account of life here survives
All its archives were incinerated in the fires of the inquisition
but the Catholics could not bring themselves to destroy this place
Alhambra is one of the wonders of the Medieval world
And by preserving it, they have kept a box of secrets that we can use to decode the civilization that built it
Inside the palace walls, the architecture is breathtaking
although the aesthetic of this courtyard is quiet cool and minimal now; in its hay day, it would've been a riot of color
Granada was famous for producing silk and you'd have silk hangings blowing in the breeze
and silk cushions and silk rugs where people laid out to eat their dinner and listen to music
In fact, it's only when one gets down to rug level that you appreciate one of the bits of magic of the place
because from down here this pool acts like an infinity mirror
and the whole of the palace looks like as if it's suspended in water

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