السبت، 21 ديسمبر 2013

عندما حكم المسلمون أوروبا: جامع قرطبة

سلام جميعاَ
هذا النص المكتوب للجزء الثاني من مقطع (قيد التحديث)
Islamic Spain: When the Moors ruled in Europe. Mezquita, Cordoba

Abdullrahman brought culture and learning from the center of the Islamic world straight to the heart of Al Andalus. When Abdullrahman arrived in Spain he came here to Cordoba; the city was in complete disarray
That Roman bridge had collapsed into the river
And Abdullrahman had set to rebuild the city
 You have to remember that in this context the Arabs arrived, not as brooding destroyers but sometimes as saviors
   Abdullrahan brought cutting edge technology for irrigation to Spain. Almost immediately the landscape was transformed Palm trees, lemon and orange groves. Avocados, artichokes and pomegranate none of which had been seen in Europe
Because of Abdullraham sophisticated trade network this new agriculture created a huge wealth
And those riches were used to build one of the greatest cities of the world
Well the inhabitants of London were still living in wooden houses
The people of Cordoba had built a cosmopolitan city with a population of over than 100,000
The largest settlement in Europe
Reports from European visitors to Cordoba describe a city with 70 libraries and over 300 public baths
The accounts tell of houses with running water and roads illuminated by street lights
You often have to take medieval sources with a substantial pinch of salt because Chronicles were extremely fond of exaggeration
But in fact the new excavation here in Cordoba are actually revealing a city that was just as rich as the city they described
These monumental walls belonged to a Muslim aristocrat, and this channel here is part of the water system that brought Cordoba its famously effective sewage works as well as the fountains and the baths that impressed all those European visitors
Cordoba was described by a 10th century German visitor as the ornament of the world
One of the reasons it's been so difficult to investigate Islamic Cordoba is that the city has been built on itself like a kind of  layer cake
But here the archaeologist have taken the modem level to reveal the Islamic layer there and down at the bottom the Roman mosaic
Abdullraham built Cordoba on top of what had been one the largest cities in Roman Spain outshining all that went before
And his greatest achievements was this, the great Mosque of Cordoba
With the floor space the size of 4 football pitches, this is the largest mosque in the Western Islam
The forest of 600 columns disappear in the distance creating a mesmeric infinity effect
On the columns arches balance one on top of the other, its shell shaped pernich has extraordinary acoustic making any word spoken inside audible to the entire congregation
When the Mosque was first built these archways would be open to allow people to stream  in and out
and this courtyard was a central part of the complex
people would come here and ..and purify themselves for their worships or just to gossip and do business
Abdullrahman's original Mosque was only a fraction of the size of the building that stands today
Over a period of two hundred years rulers would extend the mosque three times
It has been suggested that the Mosque was enlarged because each new ruler wanted to stamp his authority over the building
But there is also a more straight forward explanation; the Cordoba mosque had to accommodate the burdening number of worshipers
The Muslim population of Spain was growing fast
Modern Spain has been reluctant to acknowledge that its indigenous population converted to Islam in droves
Standard history book present the Muslim occupation of Spain as something superficial
Just a surface colonization by an Arab elite, not a presence that had any kind of lasting impact on the bulk of the population
The archaeological evidence is turning that idea on its head
All over Spain cities like Cordoba were established, even madrid was founded by Muslims
The original Arab walls still stand behind the royal palace
How fad did the Muslim community spread through Spain
Muslim remains dating from the time of Alandalus almost everywhere
not only in the south of Spain but also other parts of Spain
There are emerging lots of sites, fortresses, villages and cities almost everywhere
People were Arabized losing the form of Latin they were speaking and they were Islamized in the sense they dropped Christianity and converted to Islam in massive numbers really
were they forced conversions or was the idea of Islam particularly attractive
It is always difficult to say why someone converts to another religion but I think there is no evidence there is any forced conversion at all
In a way the Islamization and the Arabaization of territories like Alandalus is very similar to what happened to the Roman Empire when the people wanted to convert to the values and to the cultural values and to the religious values of and to the way of living of what seemed to be a civilization which has  a lot of advantages
I think it is very easy to forget that in this moment of time Islam is culture of innovation isn't it
you said it was drawing in  ideas from the east

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